Body Contouring: Improve Your Body Shape

 Everyone desires to feel and look good. Many of us work actively to maintain the physique we’ve always fancied. From regular exercise and new workout trends to highly rigid diets, we try hard each day to cut calories and keep in shape.

However, sometimes we may need supplemental help with those trouble areas, such as waist, buttocks and belly fats. Further, along with a hectic schedule, aging decreases our rate of metabolism and those fat pockets become a constant source of frustration for many people. 

Fortunately, with the advancement in technology, you no longer need to undergo surgical procedures to get rid of stubborn fat. The modern body contouring methods will definitely help you to see a slimmer you in the mirror. 

Sounds great, right? 

With body contouring in Virginia Beach, you can look different and feel the healthiest. Getting rid of long unwanted deposits of fat was never so easy!

What actually is body contouring?

Body contouring refers to procedures that enhance the appearance of skin and tissue after major weight loss. It may involve techniques to:

  • Get rid of loose/extra skin.

  • Eliminate excess fat.

  • Reshape or contour the body.

Basically, body contouring can help fine-tune your new body shape and give you a new look! Also, it is a clinically proven way to get rid of fat deposits. It can help to eliminate stubborn fat pockets from:

  • Upper & lower abdomen

  • Face, chin & neck area

  • Waist and buttocks

  • Inner & outer thighs

  • Arms

You are a probable candidate for body contouring if you are not able to get rid of the excess body fat with a healthy diet and exercise alone.

The different types of non-invasive body contouring procedures

Here are the best nonsurgical, noninvasive body contouring treatments to help your body look smooth and contoured at any age.


CoolSculpting is an FDA-approved procedure that destroys the excess fat cells with its freezing technology. Also known as Cryolipolysis, it addresses the stubborn fats that are not responsive to diet and exercise.

Each session of CoolSculpting takes about an hour and you can immediately resume your work after the treatment. However, you may experience temporary side effects like swelling or bruising, which should go away within a few days.


SculpSure is a laser-based, non-invasive treatment that uses heat to target the fat cells. It is also an FDA-approved treatment and a single procedure takes an average of 25 minutes. 

SculpSure is best suited for people who have a body mass index of 30 or less and have spots of stubborn fat that do not respond to exercise and/or dieting.

BTL Exilis Ultra

BTL Exilis Ultra is an advanced machine that employs radio-frequency and ultrasound energy to stimulate the growth of collagen in the trouble areas of your body. The heat energy of the device disrupts old collagen tissues and initiates the formation of new collagen. This helps in fat reduction and visible skin improvement.

Anyone between the ages of 21 to 70 can benefit from this treatment. With no side effects, you can resume your daily activities immediately. 

Get a contoured look at a medical spa in Virginia Beach

Body contouring in Virginia Beach comes with numerous health benefits and it also helps to boost your confidence. If you’re looking to get a personalized body contouring plan to help you get the body and appearance you want, search for a medical spa run by a board-certified physician and well-trained staff.


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