Get Relief From Unwanted Hair with Laser Hair Removal
Get Relief From Unwanted Hair with Laser Hair Removal
Unwanted hair can be a pain…literally. Whether it’s from the razor burn you get from shaving or the excruciating agony of tweezing or waxing. Not to mention the time and expense that goes into those methods of hair removal.
Laser hair removal is an affordable way to provide you with relief from other painful methods of hair removal while giving you smooth, silky, supple skin that accentuates your muscle tone and gives your skin a radiant glow. Another benefit to laser hair removal is that it can reduce your chances of getting ingrown hairs that can be even more irritating than shaving or waxing.
Laser hair removal works by sending a pulsating beam of light down the hair shaft to destroy the follicle and hair bulb on almost any area of your body. While this may sound just as painful as the other options, especially around areas where your skin is thinner, modern laser systems also provide a cooling mechanism to reduce discomfort.
It generally takes two to three weeks before you start to see results from your laser treatment. Also, since hair follicles are at different stages of growth at any given time, for best results you should plan on having multiple laser sessions done over a staged period of time. Because the laser follows the pigment in your hair, people with dark hair and light skin generally see the fastest results. Those with light hair may need additional appointments to achieve the results they want. On average though, laser hair removal is effective at removing 70-90% of unwanted hair.
Depending on your skin and hair type, and the area(s) you want to be treated, each laser hair removal appointment lasts from 30 minutes to one hour. Most laser hair removal facilities recommend four to six treatments, spaced about four to six weeks apart. Fluctuating hormones can also stimulate additional hair growth, so you may need to go back in for a few touch-up treatments sometime in the future.
Ironically, you should shave the area to be treated each time you go in for laser therapy. This helps to reduce the risk of hair above the skin getting burned that may lead to your skin getting singed. There may be some skin irritation after each laser treatment, but most patients experience no downtime and can return to normal activities immediately. However, you should try to avoid exposure to the sun for at least 24 hours after being treated, and you may want to avoid exposing your skin in a sauna or bath for at least a day.
Since laser treatments are non-surgical and non-invasive, you do not need to see a doctor to be treated. You can find laser hair removal spas in Virginia Beach by doing a quick online search. Once you’ve picked a spa or facility that sounds promising, schedule a consultation so your complexion and hair type can be evaluated by a clinician. The number of treatments you will need will be determined by that consultation. However, most patients who have laser hair removal feel that over time, having the procedure done far outweighs the cost and inconvenience of shaving or waxing.
Laser hair removal is an affordable and virtually pain-free option to constantly needing to shave or wax away unwanted hair. Depending on your skin type, hair color, and the area(s) to be treated, sessions usually last from 30 minutes to one hour. Since hair growth goes through different cycles, you may need a total of four to six treatments to achieve full results.
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