Lip Augmentation To Enhance Your Lips For A Natural Smile

Lip Augmentation To Enhance Your Lips For A Natural Smile Lip augmentation has become very popular, especially in young women who want to emulate the pouting visages of their favorite movie actresses or supermodels. However, lip fillers not only change the volume and shape of the lips, but they can also have a profound impact on a person’s smile, as well. In fact, lip injections can actually cure various smile problems that can detract from the overall beauty and symmetry of the face. For example, people who have what is called a “gummy smile” where a notable part of the upper gums is evident during a smile, can benefit from injectable fillers. The procedure will plump the upper lip, partially hiding a large percentage of the gums when smiling. Here are some other ways that lip augmentation can help create a more beautiful smile: - Asymmetry . If the upper or lower lips are different sizes or shapes, or one side of either lip is larger or small...